Einstar Updates EXStar v1.2 Software: Elevating 3D Scanning to New Heights
Hangzhou, China -March 28th, 2024: Einstar, recognized as a leading consumer-grade 3D scanner since its launch in September 2022, has solidified its position as the go-to choice across various indu...

EXStar v1.2: Take you to a more wonderful 3D World
Introduction Since the release of Einstar, we have seen the great success on the entry-level of 3D scanning. However, we are thinking about stepping forward to improve the scanning performance and...

Webinar Invitation: All the Things You Should Know about Einstar
Whether you're already an Einstar user or new to our technology, we cordially invite you to our highly anticipated Einstar training webinar on June 28th. Hosted by our experienced application engi...

Win a AccuFab-L4K 3D Printer And More by Joining the Ergonomic Design with Einstar Scanning Contest
Do you want to learn the whole process of 3D scanning and printing the human body? Then come to our webinar on 25th May! This webinar will be presented by David Miao, a maker, content creator that ...

Join the Ergonomic Design with Einstar Scanning Contest and Win a AccuFab-L4K 3D Printer And More
Since our #einstarhandledesign a few months ago, we have been receiving messages, looking forward to the next community-based campaign. So here comes the #einstarergonomicdesign! Einstar is known f...