Scan to Print: Crafting a Memorable Birthday Gift with Einstar
When our client walked into the studio of our partner in Ecuador, she carried a delightful idea in her heart. Her mother was about to celebrate the 93rd birthday, and the client intended to prepar...

DIY DAVE:Full Body 3D Scan and 3D Print with Einstar & AccuFab-L4K
David Miao, also known as @3DDIYDave on Instagram and YouTube, is a maker and content creator who works with 3D printing and woodworking, and has 3D scanned around 200 full body scans of people by ...

Turing Yourself As A Unique Easter Chocolate Using Einstar Multifunctional 3D Scanner
Easter is a time for celebration, and what better way to celebrate than with delicious chocolate treats? With the rise of 3D scanning and printing, innovative ways of creating custom chocolate mold...